Wednesday, May 23, 2007

190 lbs. this morning

Been consistently running 3x per week (5km) and weight training 3x per week. I've been allowing myself quite a bit of leniency on the diet too. Cookies, ice cream, chips and lots of restaurant food. I think as long as I keep up the exercise and I eat well during the day I'll be able to maintain this weight. I usually eat whatever I want in the evening now.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Still 189 lbs.

I've been in a sort of maintenance mode the last 3-4 weeks. Eating well during the day on weekdays (9-5) then eating whatever I want for dinner and on weekends. I've also been doing 3 weight training sessions per week and jogging 5km 3 times per week. Seems to be working pretty well. I haven't put on any weight and I actually feel fitter so I've probably put on a bit of muscle. My body fat is consistently below 20% now. It was 20.3% when I finished my weight loss phase 5 weeks ago.