Monday, January 1, 2007

Day 1 - Phase 1 Diet and Adjusting to low carbs and exercise

I've finished my first meal and I feel great. I've only had cottage cheese a few times in my life but I actually like it. I've decided to follow the 200lb meal plan as opposed to the 225lb option since 200lb is closer to my target weight (as opposed to my current weight).

Day 1
- took 1 RIPPED, 1 multivitamin, 8mg ephedra, 2 creatine tablets
- 30 minutes on bike first thing in the morning with target heart rate of 144
- Meal Phase 1 / Option 1
- Weight workout 1 (didn't realize I was supposed to do cardio after weight workout until Day 2)
- Drank 9 litres of water
- Only finished 4 of 6 meals for today. I'm going to switch to the 175 lb. meal plan and see if it's enough food for me.

In the morning I weighed 224 lbs., that had increased to 229 lbs. by 6:00pm. Probably because of the water weight.

Today I had the best weight workout, best cardio workout and best diet I've had in years. If I keep doing this I should shed a lot of weight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.